It is the highest and most stable pH Alkaline Water available.
ALKA POWER is Australia’s first and only mineral Alkaline Spring Water, naturally infused and enriched with ethically-sourced, marine-based minerals that naturally raise the pH to 9-10. Because of this, alkaline water is able to neutralize the acid in our bodies, helping to improve and balance your body’s pH. ALKALINE WATER has a higher pH level than regular drinking water and regular bottled waters. For good health, our bodies need to be slightly alkaline and our wellbeing is directly related to how alkaline our diet is. The lower the pH (less than 7) the more acidic. The higher the pH (greater than 7) the more alkaline. The scale runs from 0-14, with 7.0 being neutral. The pH spectrum measures how acidic or alkaline something is. ALKALINE WATER is water that has a comparatively high pH level. Whether you decide that you want to drink alkaline water to help prevent troublesome acid reflux or electrolyte water to keep your fluid levels in check after a hard workout, drinking ample amounts of H2O is the best way to prevent dehydration and support important bodily functions.ALKA POWER Alkaline Spring Water is the highest and most stable pH Alkaline Water on the market – providing you with the confidence you need to effectively and efficiently balance your body’s pH (Source: SYMBIO Laboratories CoA Ref#: B720822). Many have noted that both alkaline and electrolyte water have a better taste due to their special properties. Some types of alkaline water can contain additional electrolytes for even more benefits. In summary, both types of water can help to keep your pH levels balanced and promote enhanced hydration compared to tap water. Since electrolyte water is enhanced with these charged minerals that keep you optimally hydrated, it’s an ideal beverage for instances such as prolonged exercise, hot weather, and during periods of illness with vomiting and diarrhea or when you rapidly lose fluids and need effective replenishment.
These minerals are essential for controlling your fluid balance, regulating your blood pressure, helping your muscles contract, and maintaining the correct acidity in your blood. Naturally, these electrolytes are distributed throughout the fluid your body and use their electrical energy to help facilitate important bodily functions. This type of water contains electrolytes, which are minerals such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium. However, more research needs to be completed to verify these claims as definitive. Some studies show that alkaline water can also help to lower blood viscosity, which promotes higher hydration levels, prevent cancer and heart disease, and slow down bone loss. Because of the higher pH level, it can help to deactivate pepsin in the stomach, which is the main enzyme that causes acid reflux. Tap water has a neutral pH level of 7, whereas alkaline water usually has a pH level of 8+. The pH scale ranges from 0–14, with level 0 indicating high acidity and level 14 indicating high alkalinity. Which water option is best for you? What is Alkaline Water?Īlkaline water contains a higher pH level than most drinking water, which is typically due to the process of ionization. There are some similarities between the two varieties regarding benefits, but there are also differences that make each one unique. Two types of water that have recently gained popularity and are often compared to one another are alkaline vs. Each type varies from one another based on different factors, such as its source and how it’s treated. In today’s modern age, there are more types of drinking water than ever before. After all, humans are composed of approximately 60% water. We all know about the importance of drinking H2O for our overall health and well-being. The Difference Between Alkaline Water & Electrolyte Water