Convert pagemaker to word
Convert pagemaker to word

The entire contents of the file goldstein-eng-tib-dict-t-youtso-converted.txt will now be in TMU, so everything except the Tibetan text from the original file will be garbage Tibetan characters.

convert pagemaker to word

  • Click on "Convert." The converter will automatically insert the converted text into the Output file.
  • Pull down the "Source File Format" menu and select "CDAC / Gist ISM (Plain Text)".
  • Click on "Set Output File" and select the file you created to receive the converted content (goldstein-eng-tib-dict-t-youtso-converted.txt).
  • rtf file you exported (goldstein-eng-tib-dict-t.txt)
  • Click on "Set Source File" and select the.

  • Download the TB Youtso Font Converter and install it (installation takes several minutes).
  • Use the filename format goldstein-eng-tib-dict-t-youtso-converted.txt ( note: this must be a plain text (.txt) file.
  • Create a new Word doc that will receive the content of the file after it is converted.
  • txt (plain text) file with the filename format goldstein-eng-tib-dict-t.txt For the file format, select Rich Text Format (.rtf file extension).
  • Pull down the File menu and click on "Export." You will have to enter the name of the file you want created for the export (use the filename format goldstein-eng-tib-dict-t.rtf, where t is the original file).
  • convert pagemaker to word

  • Pull down the Edit menu and click on "Select All." This should highlight the entire contents of the file.
  • If there were any garbage characters (not part of the text, but data about fonts and so forth) at the top and/or bottom of the document, these should no longer display, and the first line of content should display at the top of the file.

    convert pagemaker to word

    Pull down the Edit menu and point to "Edit Story" (if "Edit Layout" is selected, the screen might show large black areas, have text in huge font or on top of other text, and so forth).THL Toolbox > Miscellaneous Technical Processes > Exporting Data from PageMaker Files

    Convert pagemaker to word